
It is common to discover that many of our youths of today are the ones who fall into committing crimes of robbery

It is common to discover that many of our youths of today are the ones who fall into committing crimes of robbery that even start as simple as shoplifting according to a New York shoplifting lawyer. The case that can help you unravel it out all the more with the assistance of an expert would be that of Andre Garcia. The factors that were included in his crime of robbery include that of the use of illegal drugs. In the robbery crimes that he was involved in, the victims never really saw a gun displayed but they saw that the defendant was holding something inside his pocket. There was even once instance that one of the victims thought it was a knife.

With further investigation, the source who was also there during one of the trial hearings that it was a starter pistol under the possession of Garcia. He placed it against the body of the victims so as to threaten them and give in to his demands easily even if his pistol is not capable of discharging any bullets. It was between the months of April and May in 1989 that he committed numerous robberies within the area of Washington Heights.

His usual routine according to an expert petty larceny it’s the case that he would enter the vehicle of his targeted victim while it is still at full stop due to the traffic light. He would usually appear with his pistol and demand money from the victim before finally running away. He was arrested by May but was released on July 3, 1989 through bail. But just after ten days, he was arrested again and charged with another series of robbery counts. On August 14 of the same year, he was found guilty of all the counts bestowed upon him.

Due to the robbery spree, he has committed for several months, majority in the community wanted him to even pay for his crime longer than the six years that he was given by the court. It was difficult for the court also to get information from Garcia himself since he does not seem to have any good memory at all. His excuse with this is that he has been a long time drug user already which made it difficult for him to remember things pretty well, even when it comes to the crimes he did. However, he admitted the facts that he truly went into a robbing spree with his starter pistol.

In finality, Garcia was still judged to pay for his crimes in not more than six years. This is because the court considered that he is still way too young and immature to be of the right common sense all the time considering that he is also a habitual drug user. His sentence was also lessened since the weapon he used during the crimes did not cause any of his victims any physical harm or injury.


It is never too late to save our general society from suffering from such crimes no matter how simple they may be. You can get in touch with the office of Stephen Bilkis & Associates in Corona, NY to correspond with expert New York robbery lawyers who can help you out in understanding more the details of such cases of theft, robbery and even shoplifting. If you or your loved ones happen to be involved in such a crime, then do not hesitate to get the assistance of one of their New York grand larceny lawyers to help and assist you in going through the complete and proper legal proceedings.

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